Corsi Online per imparare lingua inglese

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Titolo: Talk Upper Intermediate

Livello: Upper Intermediate / B2

I'nsegnante di supporto incluso

Ci sono 20 unità in questo corso

1. Tools and their use

Grammatica: Use of objects: you can + verb, an object + is used for + verb +ing; Units and measuring objects; prepositions of place: in, on, under, over; Passive to describe a problem; Reflexive pronouns | Lessico: Home appliances, electronic devices, kitchen utensils and home furniture; Materials; | Speaking: How to say where things are located in a big department store; Talk about the use of objects and their materials; Describing the problems at home; Giving solutions;

1. Home appliances, kitchen utensils, and home furniture

2. How to say where things are located in a big department store

3. Shopping preferences

4. The use of objects

5. Materials

6. At the Market: quantifying things

7. At the Market: talking about the location of things

8. Describing the problems at home and giving solutions

9. Passive to describe a problem

10. Creative ways to recycle your e-waste

2. Describing problems

Grammatica: Causative have and get for getting a service | Lessico: Services; Complaints | Speaking: Services we occasionally use; Complain about a broken object or a bad service

1. Services we occasionally use

2. Reflexive pronouns

3. Causative have and get for getting a service

4. Some innovative tools and instruments

5. Complain about a broken object or a bad service

6. Read the following email of complaint.

3. Traveling abroad

Grammatica: Expressing concerns about living or traveling abroad; Positive thoughts about traveling to a country; | Lessico: Foods; Places; Seasons; The names of continents; The weather; | Speaking: Traveling abroad; food and culture; great places to travel to; Express opinions about traveling, likes and dislikes; How to say the weather; Talk about a vacation or a trip;

1. Expressing concerns about living or traveling abroad

2. Express opinions about traveling

3. The best time to travel to some famous cities

4. Talk about a vacation or a trip

5. Talking about a trip

6. 4 traveling destinations

4. Strange aspects of cultures

Grammatica: Impersonal pronoun to talk about a group of people; "should", "must" and "have to"to talk about an obligation, prohibition or give an advice; "don't have to" to talk about things that are not obligatory | Lessico: Countries; Customs | Speaking: Strange and interesting aspects of culture; Cultural awareness; Talk about obligatory and non obligatory rules and customs;

1. Strange and interesting aspects of culture

2. Cultural awareness : impersonal Pronoun one, you, we, they

3. Prohibitions and obligations: “should”,” must” and “have to”

4. Non obligatory rules

5. The best way to travel to a new destination

5. New ways of communication

Grammatica: The use of apps; The use of verbs allow, help and let; The base and the gerund form of verbs fascinate, interest, amaze, shock and surprise; The base and the gerund form of verbs fascinate, interest, amaze, shock and surprise; Zero conditional; Frequency adverbs and expressions for using the social networks; before, after, as soon as | Lessico: Modern apps and services; | Speaking: Talk about Apps replacing old tools and services; Express your feeling about the IT technology, apps and websites; Express habits of using social media; How we use a website or app

1. Apps replacing old tools and services

2. The use of apps

3. What each app allows / helps / lets you do

4. Express your feeling about apps and websites

5. Recommend an APP or website using conditional sentences type zero

6. Express habits of using social media

7. How we use a website or app

8. Social networking etiquette

6. Expressing an opinion

Grammatica: Phrases to make a prediction; could and might +be +past participle to say that something is probable or possible; Express an opinion using superlative adjectives; Agreeing or disagreeing with a positive or a negative opinion | Lessico: Modern apps; Words and phrases to agree or disagree with someone else's point of view | Speaking: How we use social networking sites; Express probability about problems or opinions associated with social networking sites;Talk about problems associated with the Internet; privacy issues; Express opinion about services of websites and apps; Agree or disagree with an opinion

1. How we use social networking sites

2. Express probability about problems

3. Problems associated with the Internet

4. Express opinion about services of websites and Apps

5. Agree or disagree with an opinion


7. Food facts

Grammatica: Expressing possibly and probability about eating a food; | Lessico: Food tastes and textures; | Speaking: Food description; Express preferences for food; Expressing opinion about food taste;

1. Food description

2. Expressing possibility and probability about eating a food

3. Food taste and texture - Sense verbs

4. Dining Etiquette

8. Eating out

Grammatica: Phrases to talk about the food; Tag questions to show likes and dislikes; Adverbs of degree: too, enough, really | Lessico: Complaints about food; Foods; Adjectives related to foods | Speaking: Make a reservation at a restaurant; Leave comment for a restaurant; Cultural advise about eating in a restaurant

1. Going out to a restaurant

2. Phrases to talk about the food

3. tag questions to show likes and dislikes

4. Make a reservation at a restaurant

5. adverbs of degree: too, enough, really

6. Some common complaints about food

7. Leave a review for a restaurant

8. To tip or not to tip? North America vs. Japan and China

9. Habits for success

Grammatica: Phrases to talk about success; Cause and effect structures to talk about success; | Lessico: Habits for success; Abilities and achievements | Speaking: Talk about success; What success means to us

1. Habits for success

2. What success means to us

3. Personal abilities and achievements

4. Good habits and success

5. Successful People

6. How to beat procrastination for success

10. Complaining about bad habits

Grammatica: Phrases to complain about bad personal habits; Conditional zero for solution of bad habits | Lessico: Bad habits | Speaking: Complain about bad habits of the people around us; Bad eating habits; Give advice for getting rid of bad habits

1. Complain about bad habits of the people around us

2. Complain about bad personal habits

3. Bad eating habits

4. Give advice for getting rid of bad habits

5. Solutions for bad habits

11. Breaking the news 1

Grammatica: Time conjunctions for telling a story: when, after, before, until, since, while, once, as soon as, as | Lessico: Categories of news | Speaking: Breaking the news; Say how an accident happened

1. Breaking the news

2. Say how an accident happened

3. Will social media replace traditional news?

12. Breaking the news 2

Grammatica: Some verbs for reported speech, tell, ask, think, suggest, say, agree, promise, explain; Rejoinders to show interest or surprise | Lessico: Accidents | Speaking: Report a speech; React to the news; Show interest or surprise to a piece of news; Describe an accident

1. Reported speech and reactions to the news

2. Some verbs used for reported speech,

3. Show interest or surprise to a piece of news using rejoinders

4. Accidents, describe an accident

5. Is the Sympathize-Botton on Facebook just a Rumor?

13. Spending time together

Grammatica: Frequency expressions and adverbs for free time activities; | Lessico: Free time activities | Speaking: How people spend their free time; Talk about a past trip

1. How people spend their free time

2. Frequency expressions and adverbs for free time activities

3. Some of the most famous festivals around the world

4. Talk about a past trip

5. How to unplug and chill out

14. Accept or decline an invitation

Grammatica: Intentional future for plans, near future; Except and but + indefinite compounds; Phrases to counter a suggestion; | Lessico: Activities to do with fiends; Places to go to for the weekend | Speaking: Invitations; Accept or decline an invitation; Organizing an event with friends; Expressing exceptions; Counter a suggestion; Express doubt

1. Invitations

2. Accept or decline an invitations

3. Decline an invitation

4. Organizing an event with friends; Expressing exceptions

5. Counter a suggestion and express doubt

6. Places to go to on the weekend

15. Friends and favors

Grammatica: Indirect and direct objects; Indirect and direct objects for asking favors; Some rules about direct and indirect objects | Lessico: Favors; Some housework favors; | Speaking: Ask a favor; Accept or refuse a request; Report a favor someone asked

1. Ask a favor

2. Accept or refuse a request

3. Indirect and direct objects for asking favors

4. Report a favor someone asked

5. Qualities a best friend should have

16. Offering help

Grammatica: Phrases to offer to help others; favors you can, could or will be able to do: be able to + will, might, may, should; | Lessico: Favors | Speaking: Offering help to friends or others; Evaluate past action: favors you could have done, favors you can offer in the future

1. Offering help to friends or others

2. Why do Facebook users add or remove friends

3. Evaluate past action

4. Helping others is good for your health

17. Neighbors and neighborhoods

Grammatica: Two-word adjectives; double comparison; singular quantifiers: every, each, all | Lessico: Parts of a building; Problems in a city; Facilities in a city | Speaking: Compare life between the city and the country; Describing a house or an apartment

1. Compare life between the city and the country

2. Describing a house or an apartment

3. Two-word adjectives

4. Top cities around the world

5. Characteristics of a great city

18. Common complaints about neighbors

Grammatica: Complain about neighbors and show emotions: How + adjective to show surprise or disbelief; Two-word adjectives to describe a good neighbor | Lessico: Places in the neighborhood; Complaints; Spaces at home | Speaking: Give and ask directions; Common complaints about neighbors; React to complaints

1. Places in the neighborhood

2. Give and ask directions

3. Common complaints about neighbors

4. Two-word adjectives to describe a person

5. Spaces at home

6. Garage sale

19. Changes in life

Grammatica: Comparison: "more" and "less" | Lessico: Hair style and color, weight | Speaking: Changes in life; Compliment a friend for an achievement or change

1. Changes in life

2. Compliment a friend for an achievement or change

3. Change is good for you

20. Informal calls

Grammatica: Collocations about calls | Lessico: New means of communication | Speaking: Catching up with a friend; Informal calls; Fixing and appointment; Formal calls

1. Catching up with a friend: informal calls

2. Keeping in touch

3. Fixing and appointment

4. Formal calls

5. Complaining about a service on the social media