Corsi Online per imparare lingua inglese

Tutti i corsi sono inclusi negli abbonamenti Mondelize

Titolo: Talk Proficiency

Livello: Proficiency / C2

I'nsegnante di supporto incluso

Ci sono 20 unità in questo corso

1. Modern work environments

Grammatica: Phrases to evaluate your qualities; | Lessico: Qualities for jobs | Speaking: Evaluate qualities of a successful entrepreneur;

1. Evaluate qualities of a successful entrepreneur

2. Some extreme jobs and the qualities they need

3. Jobs and opinions about them

4. Job interview and the qualities needed

5. Exercise

6. Your career, make it or break it! The key is your behavior

2. Express an opinion

Grammatica: Phrases to state an opinion or make a judgment; Adjectives to describe personality; adverbs of degree: extremely, very, too, enough, and quite | Lessico: Adjectives to describe personality; | Speaking: Opinions about work environment; state an opinion or a judgment; Recommend someone on a social networking website for professionals

1. State an opinion or make a judgment

2. Nouns we can use to describe people

3. Make a recommendation

4. Talk about professional qualities

5. Soft skills

3. Sports and healthy life

Grammatica: Giving warnings | Lessico: Solutions for stress | Speaking: Health advice and warnings

1. Health advice and warnings

2. giving warnings about health

3. Stress

4. Give advice

5. Ways to reduce the stress

4. How to stay healthy

Grammatica: Fix an appointment; cancel an appointment | Lessico: Habits for success; | Speaking: Give advice; Fix an appointment; cancel an appointment; Health consequences; cause and effect for health issues

1. Habits for success

2. give advice

3. How to keep healthy

4. Fix an appointment

5. cause and effect for health issues

6. How to fight these common problems

5. Law and prohibited things

Grammatica: express obligation, prohibition, and advice; Conditional type zero | Lessico: Laws: prohibitions and obligations | Speaking: Laws: prohibitions and obligations

1. Laws: prohibitions and obligations

2. Reading and deciphering signs

3. Consequences of breaking the law

4. Consequences of breaking the law

5. Lost and Found

6. How I got Arrested in Utah

6. Reacting to odd news

Grammatica: unless vs. if; To be supposed to; Expressions for reported speech in the past; whether vs. if to express uncertainty; embarrassing situations and reactions to them | Lessico: Embarrassing situations | Speaking: React to odd news; Preferences, pieces of advice; Report a speech; Embarrassing situations; embarrassing news

1. React to odd news

2. unless vs. if

3. Preferences and advice

4. Report a speech

5. Embarrassing situations;

6. whether vs. if to express uncertainty

7. Allan's Pink Date

7. Dreams and regrets

Grammatica: Express a dream or a desire | Lessico: Personal abilities; | Speaking: Express a dream or a desire; Express personal ability

1. Express a dream or a desire

2. What people dream of

3. Express personal ability

4. conditional type 2

5. Give advice for getting rid of bad habits

6. Dream Job

8. Expressing hope

Grammatica: Hope vs. wish; Show regret: should have, might have and could have; Conditional type 3 for expressing regrets | Lessico: Common complaints; | Speaking: Complaints; Express regret for things you could've done;

1. hope vs. wish

2. Express regret for things you could've done

3. Citizens of Summerville, let's do things together, let's help each other!

9. Argue for and against

Grammatica: Expressing ideas in favor or against; Quantifiers: a lot of, most, many, some, not many, a few, few; state an opinion: first of all; support an argument: furthermore, moreover, besides, what's more; Counter an opinion: counter an argument: but, however, nevertheless, even so; draw a conclusion: therefore, so | Lessico: Opinions and ideas | Speaking: Argue for or against an issue in the news; Support an opinion; Make a hypothesis; Draw a logical conclusion

1. Argue for or against an issue in the news

2. quantifiers: a lot of, most, many, some, not many, a few, few

3. Support or counter an opinion

4. Make a hypothesis

5. Draw a logical conclusion

6. In favor or against?

10. In the news

Grammatica: Suggest a possibility: suppose (that) and what if; | Lessico: News categories; | Speaking: People and the news; Suggest a possibility in a discussion; Convincing someone to do something;

1. People and the news

2. Suggest a possibility in a discussion

3. Convincing someone to do something

4. News sources moving from print to online

11. Changes in life

Grammatica: give a reason for an action: so, as a result, thus, therefore;Connectors; conjunctions and propositions: in order to, so to show reasons; how come vs. why;perfect participle clause to express reasons for action or change | Lessico: Changes in life | Speaking: Reasons for changes in life; Changes in life; healthy living environment

1. Reasons for changes in life

2. perfect participle clause to express reasons for action or change

3. Changes in life; healthy living environment

4. Changes that pump energy into your life

12. Reasons for change

Grammatica: Support the reasons for change; How things have changed; technology | Lessico: Changes in life and the world | Speaking: Support the reasons for change; Show excuses for not taking an action

1. Support the reasons for change

2. Show excuses for not taking an action

3. How things have changed: technology

4. Past vs. present

13. Love, friendship, and family

Grammatica: Enumerator and listing signals: such as, like, for example; | Lessico: Dating and romance words | Speaking: Modern matchmaking sites or where people tend to find love;

1. Love and romance

2. enumerator and listing signals: such as, like, for example

3. Modern matchmaking sites or where people tend to find love

4. How to keep love strong

14. Make a hypothesis

Grammatica: could, must, may, should + present perfect; state a probability using must, should, might + present perfect; hope vs. wish | Lessico: hope and wish | Speaking: Make hypotheses about where people might be; State a possibility in the past; Hope or wish for someone when you are worried;

1. Make hypotheses about where people might be

2. State a possibility in the past

3. Hope or wish for someone when you are worried

4. Dunbar's number

15. Art therapy

Grammatica: embedded questions; Phrases to expressing doubt or certainty; | Lessico: Types of art | Speaking: Artistic Recreation; Express doubt, uncertainty vs. certainty; Talk about art; judging a piece of art

1. Artistic Recreation

2. Express doubt, uncertainty vs. certainty

3. Talk about art: judging a piece of art

4. Art therapy

16. How much your hobbies cost

Grammatica: connectors: but, in spite of, despite, yet, nevertheless, whereas, nonetheless, while, however, on the other hand; question words + ever: whenever, whatever, wherever, whoever | Lessico: Hobbies and free time activities | Speaking: How much your hobbies are costing you; Compare hobbies; express doubt, uncertainty, and certainty; Talk about likes and dislikes; Invitation to do things together;

1. How much your hobbies are costing you

2. Compare hobbies: express doubt, uncertainty, and certainty

3. Talk about likes and dislikes

4. Invitation to do things together

5. The benefits of reading books

17. Mistakes people make

Grammatica: to be supposed to, should, must, had better; say what you think using don't like, dislike, can't stand, and to be sick + gerund | Lessico: Mistakes; Bad behaviors | Speaking: Mistakes people make; Things we like; things we don't like; How to criticize a behavior; Complain about a criticism or bad behavior; infinitive with subject: tease, criticize, ridicule, kid with, talk behind someone's back

1. Mistakes people make

2. Things we like and things we don't like

3. How to criticize a behavior

4. Complain about a criticism or bad behavior

5. Dealing With Unfair Criticism

18. The power of words

Grammatica: should, could, must + present perfect; not only... but (also); either.. or; neither ... nor; | Lessico: Common mistakes, Encouragements | Speaking: Personal Mistakes; Suggest solutions; Encourage or criticize others;

1. Personal Mistakes

2. Suggest solutions

3. Encourage or criticize others

4. Encourage someone for improvements in life

5. The Psychology of Encouragement

19. World events

Grammatica: express your interests and ideas | Lessico: Technology and modern education | Speaking: World events; history at a glance; IT society; technology; online education

1. World events: history at a glance

2. IT society; technology; online education

3. Internet of Things: The Internet of Everything

20. Education in the modern world

Grammatica: listing the benefits of something; first of all, second, third, next, finally, last but not least | Lessico: Various branches of science and art; | Speaking: Education in the modern world; argue for or against; State a preference; express opinion; Advantages and disadvantages of online and in-person education

1. Education in the modern world: argue for or against

2. State a preference: express opinion

3. Advantages and disadvantages of online and in-person education

4. Natural Learning: the Montessori Method